Neuro Activity Monitor
Develop an activity monitor for Neurological and Pschyiatry patients that has seamless user experience and integrations with current and future ecosystems including Apple Health, Google HealthConnect, and other EMR solutions.
Develop an activity monitor for Neurological and Pschyiatry patients that has seamless user experience and integrations with current and future ecosystems including Apple Health, Google HealthConnect, and other EMR solutions.
FDA Cleared Activity Monitor
FDA Approved Tremor detection and progression
FDA Approved Digital Biomarkers that can carry the intellectual property for Neurology & Psychiatry patients
Background & Gap
Connected Activity monitors can be used as Remote Patient monitoring devices
Current devices are made for Cardiology and Primary care physicians
There are nearly no device specifically made for Neurology and Psychiatry patients
Accelerator and gyroscope to measure tremors and anxiety
GPS activity to measure agoraphobia
Heart rate to measure panic attacks rather than Afib
30-day battery life
Lab grade accelerometer, gyroscope, PKG
Device cost at mass manufacturing level less than $20
SDK developed for both iOS and Android
White-labelling solution with SDK
276 million Neurology patients worldwide
970 million Psychiatry patients worldwide
Currently no device in the market that is made intentionally for Neurological and Psychiatry patients
<6 months
There are multiple manufacturers in China that can produce the device with SDK requirements
Intellectual Property
New digital Biomarkers
Revenue Models
Sell Device
Sell Subscription
Sell AI Model as subscription
Licence Digital Biomarker